Our Insights — Dupler Office

RJE Columbus Joins Forces with Dupler Office

Dupler Office is excited to welcome the Columbus location of RJE Business Interiors to our team!

Shifts happening at the manufacturer level are making waves in the industry’s distribution channel. We saw these changes as incredible opportunities to control our destiny and strengthen our position in the market for the benefit of our team and our clients. RJE Business Interiors, as a combined enterprise and leadership team, decided to move their alignment and partnership from Knoll to Allsteel in Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Columbus Ohio. After several months of reviewing the market and growth potential in Columbus, we have all agreed that we are better together as one entity and the RJE Columbus office will be joining forces with Dupler Office to create one Allsteel dealer partner for the Central Ohio market.

All RJE Columbus team members will transition into the Dupler team, only adding to the strength of the current team bringing additional expertise to the business. We will operate as Dupler Office out of our current Arena District showroom.

“This joint venture combines amazing talent and expertise to help our clients create great places for people to work, heal, learn and live” said Randy Dupler, Principal and Co-founder at Dupler Office. Not only is the pool of talent and expertise growing at Dupler Office as the RJE team transitions in, but also the strength of partnership and ability to support our clients. This evolution affords us some of the deepest expertise in the dealer leadership across our market.

Tarra Aufderheide, former president of RJE’s Columbus location, will be joining Dupler Office as a Principal and member of the Dupler Executive Leadership team, along with leading our sales team. “We are excited about combining the teams into one location, refreshing the showroom and leveraging a new Dupler Office with the addition of Interior Installations and RJE Columbus” explains Tarra.

Often in our pursuits, we found Dupler and RJE Columbus as the last two standing in the final round of consideration. As we competed against each other, we recognized our mutual passion for this work, while also growing in appreciation for the other’s perspective and style. These similarities and differences alike combined will create an even stronger partner for the clients we serve.


You can reach us at dupleroffice@dupleroffice.com to schedule a visit or request a call from one of our team members.

The CoCreation Room at M+A Architects

Dupler Office collaborated with M+A Architects and Allsteel to develop their CoCreation Room. Watch the video to learn more about the concepts and considerations that went into creating the space.

This room represents a smaller version of a larger concept - a cultural hub - that M+A’s Innovation + Research and Interior Design teams are designing for the future for their most progressive clients.

Senior M+A Interior Designer, and project lead, Kelly Eyink adds, “It's about choice, comfort, and control. And this room really provides all three, not only to us but our clients as well—it's open for others to use. It really is co-creation and coming together.”

You can read more about this project here→https://bit.ly/3eh3paM
