Health shields keep your receptionist areas safe while welcoming visitors to your office.

A mobile shield with a cutout facilitates taking temperatures from a safe distance.

Desk screens create separation and can move with desk.

Glass stackers can be retrofitted to existing workstation panels to increase height and boundaries.

Workstation orientation can be reconfigured to create distance between people.

Mobile glass boards can be moved as needed to create boundaries and can be easily cleaned.

Architectural walls can be used to create a micro office. It’s the same footprint as a workstation, but with the benefit of a door.

An architectural wall with whiteboards creates division in a social collaborative area. Seating can be easily rearranged or removed to promote 6-foot distance.

Seating with high panels creates private workspace in open environments.

Layered table creates natural separation between people while collaborating and moves meetings out of confined conference rooms.